Divine Service
Weekly Holy Communion
Sunday @ 9 AM
Sunday Bible Study
Studying Lutheran Worship
Sunday @ 10:15 AM
Midweek Lent Vespers
Series: Reflections on Repentance
Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM
- Biblical
- Confessional
- Liturgical
- Lutheran
We preach Law and Gospel, convicting of sin, leading to repentance, and offering forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God, and that it is clear, sufficient, and powerful to create faith in our hearts.
As a confessional Lutheran Church and member of WELS, we believe, teach, and confess according to Luther’s Small Catechism, the historic Christian creeds, and the Lutheran Confessions contained in the Book of Concord because they are a faithful and true exposition of the Word of God.
Historic Worship
Our time together is centered in the Divine Service as we gather together as God’s people to confess our sins and receive absolution, receive God’s gifts of Word and Sacraments, offer up prayers and petitions, and respond in thanksgiving and praise.
Join Us
In a time of change and moral chaos, God’s Word offers us His timeless, unchanging truth. In a time of uncertainty and fear, God’s love and mercy in Christ give us sure and certain hope. Come join us and experience God’s love for you!
The First Sunday in Lent
Jesus Overcomes Satan by the Power of God’s Word
The First Sunday in Lent
Jesus Overcomes Satan by the Power of God’s Word
10151 Sappington Rd
St Louis, MO 63128
We’re located just off of I-270 in Sunset Hills, south of I-44 in St. Louis County, Missouri. Come visit! We’d love to welcome you.
Pastor Seth Georgson
(314) 914-6457
[email protected]
It is written: “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”